Snowstorm Shenanigans: Tales of a Weekend Warrior in NYC – Day 1

nergizing, relaxing… but let’s be real—I might be too old for this kind of chaos! Partying really is a tough gig!

Let’s rewind to the beginning: 4:45 AM on Thursday, my alarm clock blares, yanking me from sleep. I scramble around like a caffeine-starved zombie (because who can function that early without coffee?) to prep for my 5:15 Uber. Outside, it’s a winter wonderland—snowing, freezing, and dark as a cave. My husband, ever the supportive partner, asks, “Why are you leaving this early? There’s a snowstorm! Couldn’t you time your trip better?” Because, I clearly command Mother Nature’s schedule…

At precisely 5:05, my phone rings. Who in their right mind calls at this hour? It’s the school’s automated system announcing—drum roll, please—schools are closed due to weather.Cue the chaos:

1- My husband starts grumping about having to work from home while babysitting our child, like this is some sort of punishment for me wanting a weekend away.

2- I wonder WHY on Earth the school decided to shut down—last I checked, it’s just a little snow, not the second coming of the Ice Age. The town next door is still open, so what gives?

3- My Uber arrives, and I make a dramatic exit, as if fleeing the scene before my husband contemplates keeping me home.

Inside the car, the driver casually mentions he just came from the airport, where a wave of flight cancellations had hit. My heart sinks as I check my train status, and—bam!—a glaring red “Cancelled” pops up. The driver offers to take me back home, but I refuse. Missing my NYC weekend is not an option! So, I resolve, “Take me to the train station, I’ll sort it out.”

During the ride, I frantically scan my app until I spot another train that could whisk me to the city—at the cost of an extra hour’s travel. Without hesitation, I hit “buy.”

Fast forward through the anxiety of waiting and my train’s potential cancellation… I finally arrive in vibrant, albeit pungent (seriously, NYC—breathe! What’s with the overwhelming scent of pot?), rainy New York by 11 AM.

Upon checking into my hotel, I do what all responsible adults do: I dive into work. Yep, it’s not a vacation day for me. Hours pass, I change into a more presentable outfit, dab on some makeup to mask my 40+ glow, and glance at the clock. It’s 6 PM and my friend is still stuck on a delayed Philly train due to that same storm.

What to do? I refuse to be marooned in a less-than-luxurious hotel room. Off I go to a bar—okay, maybe two—because people-watching and eavesdropping on the conversations around me is endlessly entertaining. I can’t help but be amused by the entitled youths who seem to be jetting off every weekend, all while lamenting about their “lack of friends” to travel with. Shockingly, it turns out some of us do have jobs!

Finally, at 8 PM, my girlfriend arrives, and we venture to the jazz club I’d reserved—touted as the number one in town according to Google reviews. As a former New Orleans resident and jazz aficionado, I consider myself a tough critic. Spoiler alert: It was SO boring! My friend agreed, and it was comforting to know I wasn’t alone in this sentiment. Looking around, we saw heads bobbing, but instead of rhythm-driven movement, it was more like the audience was luxuriously swaying off to slumber. The average age in the crowd? I’m guessing 70+. Is that why they looked knockout? Too late in the evening for them, or simply too subdued by the “soothing” tunes?

We eventually flee the venue, grateful that the ordeal is over and chuckling about the unintended entertainment provided by our sleepy companions.

After returning to the hotel, we get ready for bed… and the adventure continues tomorrow! Because, yes, we do have friends to travel with—if only our offices weren’t so conveniently located! No rest or PTO for the wicked, right?

Stay tuned for Day 2, where we’ll tackle coffee hangovers, questionable brunch choices, and maybe even a visit to a museum—if we can get our act together!

For more sales of this weekend warrior who is also a weekday warrior and all-around family life survival read other posts

If you would like a different perspective on a girls weekend read this highly fashionable over priced version – influencer style, you know?

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